"Pauline is a master storyteller who brings history alive to students of all ages"

Norma Bingham, teacher
St. George-German School (GEDSB)








"Pauline, thank you for the wonderful job you did covering the stories of the women of 1812 at Lang Pioneer Village Museum. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You added a very important element to our 1812 event and you did it very well."

Laurie Siblock
Assistant Manager
Lang Pioneer Village Museum

"Pauline Grondin shares an infectious enthusiasm for stories that captivates young and old alike"

Laura Camilleri, Museum Programmer/ Special Events Coordinator
Museum on the Boyne,
Alliston, Ontario

Photo by Gladys Hamilton

"You are a mesmerizing story teller Pauline"
Zig Misiak
Real Peoples History





“Many thanks Pauline for being a remarkable Queen Victoria. It was a very impressive portrayal, and I know our visitors enjoyed meeting you. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.”
Lisa Hunter
Event Programmer, Westfield Heritage Village


"On behalf of Heritage Acton, I would like to thank you again for the wonderful performance on Sunday. We had quite a few compliments for this event. "

Maureen Ryan
Heritage Acton




"Pauline was a big hit. The residents absolutely loved her."
Nelly Zborowski, Lifestyle Consultant
Bough Beeches Place






Photo by Paul Barber






“Pauline, ...the consensus is that you were a magnificent hit!!! ...  Congratulations on such a successful evening. “

 Lynn Nicholson

Hamilton Métis Women’s Circle









"Pauline, I was so taken by the depth and breadth and professionalism of your Freeman Station presentation. You brought tears to my eyes. You have really done yourself proud in creating this. Thank you so much!"
All aboard!

"I heard many lovely comments about your presentations, people were certainly enjoying themselves."

Alison Deplonty, M.A.
Public Programming Coordinator
Fanshawe Pioneer Village

For Adults


Victorian Tea

“Afternoon tea provided the simple function of  ladies getting together to give and receive mutual support and to enjoy the warmth of friendship.
One would keep up with the happenings in the community, share news and yes,
 even gossip…"

When the men joined the tea it was referred to as a Kettledrum Tea…There was a great deal of noise and less to eat.” Invite Pauline to tea and she will tell you more about the beginnings and customs of tea and the etiquette required when you host and attend Afternoon Tea and the “Five O’Clock Function” in the colonies.

Hopefully, you have room on your calling card for a visit!


When Suffragettes Won Back the Vote

In the role of a suffragette Pauline will speak to you about the history of women’s votes in the past and the suffragettes’ determination to embrace the notion of voting rights for wives and mothers in the future.

In 1809 an eighty year old widow in Quebec was the first woman of record to cast a vote. There were others throughout the early years of Canada who cast ballots before it was declared a crime to do so in 1851.

With their dignity and respect in peril the suffragettes continued the fight together and eventually won back the vote for women. With the creation of the Toronto Women’s Literacy Club in 1876, later to become the Women’s Suffrage Society in 1883, the women rallied their forces together to embrace the notion of voting rights to better fulfil women’s social roles as wives and mothers.

Royal Weddings Through The Ages

The British Kings and Queens have married through the ages producing heirs for the next generation and so it continues. Pauline will tell the stories of some of the "I do's" and even touch on the "I don'ts" of the British Monarchy.


Stories of Women in Upper Canada during the War of 1812

As an 1812 reenactor, professional storyteller, heritage performer and historical interpreter Pauline tells the stories that honour the women who endured the War of 1812.
Pauline was the voice of Elizabeth Gage on the War of 1812 documentary on History Television. She has recorded her stories of “Women in Upper Canada” for Route 1812, a driving route linking historical sites and cultural institutions in the Southwest, Toronto and Niagara regions. Pauline’s voice and instruments have been recorded singing heritage songs along the same route. Pauline is the social historian for the Southwest Ontario Barn Quilt trail and historical advisor for the Lincoln Lamplighter Tours for their bicentennial productions.

The Women of Upper Canada were left at home and in the soldiers’ encampments with the war raging around them.

The War of 1812 opened up a world of drama, conflict and struggle for survival both on and off the battlefield. The stories of “The Women” are a glimpse into their life as they experienced the stress of an enemy invasion, watched as their personal possessions were damaged or stolen and their houses put to the torch.

Many of the stories of these women grace the pages of history declaring them heroines of the war. Some of their stories are legend, handed down through family and friends.

Exploring Our Heritage

A programme filled with hands on artifacts and reproductions from the past.  A delightful introduction  for reminiscing and "do you remember when".
As a historical interpreter, War of 1812 re-enactor, and professional storyteller, Pauline's experience can bring history and experiences of the early settlers to life before your eyes.  Experience first hand the hardship, adventures and joys of pioneers who planted their roots firmly in Canadian soil.

HerStory History
Pauline's performances are a collection of self penned narratives of some of Canada's heroines and pioneers;

Marguerite LaRoche France to Canada 1542
Elizabeth Davis Ghent Revolutionary War
Anne Morden Dundas Valley, 1787
Laura Secord Heroine of The War of 1812
Elizabeth Rapleje St Thomas, The War of 1812
Marie Anne Gaboury Grandmother of Louis Riel
Annie Connor Ireland to Canada, 1847
Abigail Becker Heroine of Long Point, 1854
Louisa Robinson Allan Toronto 1855
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Educator and Author
Emily Ferguson Murphy Suffragist and Reformer, 1917
Minerva Hall Toronto's Centennial, 1934
Ruth Ireland Burlington 1855
Agnes Macdonald Wife of Sir John A. Macdonald
Queen Victoria  
Lucy Patrick  Lambeth (London) 1809
Edith Cavall Heroine of World War 1
Elizabeth Fisher Stong York (Toronto) 1816
  And Many More...    30 to 45 minutes


Piecing Together Canada's History Through Quilts

A condensed version of this programme that showcases handmade quilt designs from the past appeared in the Fall 2014 edition of the Canadian Quilter Magazine which is distributed across Canada and the world. 

Stories, Traditions and Superstitions honour the quilt designs from long ago.

No thread running through Canada's history is stronger or more consistent than in their use as links between women and their female descendants. Many women felt that the female family, past, present and in the future was important and that these generations were united by the quilts that were the works of their hands and their hearts.

Pauline is the Social Historian for the South Western Ontario Barn Quilt Trail.

Irish Legends and Tales

Meet the wee creatures of the Emerald Isle

The Leprechaun, the Pooka, the Fir Dirrig, the Banshee and the Irish Cinderlad (Ireland's version of Cinderella) come to life with Pauline's spinning of the yarn.  Unlock your imagination as you travel across Ireland.

Scottish Legends and Tales

Pauline will share legends and tales of the clans and mythical creatures of the highlands and lowlands of Scotland.

Stories of the Kelpie, the Brownie, the Selkie and Whippety Stourie, Scotland’s version of Rumpelstiltskin, and many more come to life with Pauline's spinning of the yarn.
Close your eyes and imagine the antics of Hamish MacDonald who vanished during an argument between Clan MacDonald and Clan MacLeod. Can you hear the pipes playing “The Flowers of Scotland”?

Welcome, sit a while and listen, you’ll not be disappointed.

The Traditions and Legends of Hallowe'en

Dressed in Widow’s Weeds (period clothing) Pauline Grondin will take you back to the Samhain’s end of summer festival where Hallowe’en draws its roots deep from the traditions of the British Isles and France. Many of these traditions traveled to Canada with the Scottish and Northern Irish in the early 1800's. The people of the Victorian era added their own traditions based on the "old ways". Our modern celebration is not far from the traditions celebrated across the sea and in Canada of long ago.

Stories of mythical Irish beings and a true eerie Canadian story complete the presentation.


Funeral and Mourning Traditions

During times of health and happiness it is perhaps trying to turn our thoughts into doleful channels but sooner or later in our lives the sad time comes.

Through the ages, people looked upon the rituals of mourning and laying a  loved to rest differently. Grave decorations became less morbid and more of a spiritual awakening. Superstitions and traditions continued to take on a more modern approach as did “saved by the bell”, "the graveyard shift” and “holding a wake”.

Mourning of the dead became a fashionable trend under the reign of Queen Victoria after the death of Prince Albert in 1861 and even common folk could earn their place in the community by their very acts of respect for the dearly departed.

These traditions and customs traveled over the seas to Canada and the rituals were continued and expanded upon. Even though we have our own traditions, their roots are firmly planted in the customs of the past.

The Wedding Gift

The story of “The Wedding Gift” is set in Port Marriott Nova Scotia in the winter of the year 1794.

It is a delightful story laced with comedy and insight and gives a clear picture of early life in the Canadian winter and the hardships of travel in unknown territory.

The ending of the story has a delightful twist that causes a chuckle of acknowledgement to the antics of Miss Kezia Barnes.


The Legends and Traditions of Christmas

Dressed in period clothing, Pauline Grondin will take you back to the Christmas celebrations of yesteryear.

Participants will learn of the boy Nicholas who became St. Nicholas and our present day Santa Claus, and the people who wrote the first poems and stories in his honour. The traditions of the Pioneers who first came to Canada will be presented with samples of some of their crafts and decorations.

First Nation Legends

Following her Native roots Pauline will tell traditional stories from a variety of teachings handed down orally before they were written down.

Stories in this 30 minute presentation include: “The Raft Baby of the Peace River, “ The Dancing People, The Spirit of the Deer”,  and “The Talking Stone”.

A longer presentation can be provided if requested.

Aboriginal Stories  -  Let the Fur Fly

Following her Native roots Pauline will tell traditional stories handed down orally before they were printed on the page.  Thoughtful stories from a variety of teachings to explain how and why it came to be.

Stories in this presentation include “ How Chipmunk Got her Stripes”, “Coyote and the Laughing Butterfly”, “ How Coyote Stole Fire”,  “Why Blackbird has White Eyes”,  Rabbit the Hunter” and “The Dancing People, the Spirit of the Deer”.

Stories of the Aboriginal Farm workers

Stories of the Aboriginal Farm workers are seldom told and not generally recorded in the pages of history, yet their roles were vital to Canadian farms including those in the Village of Aldershot where Pauline lives. At the request of the Métis Women’s Circle of Hamilton Pauline spent two years researching and interviewing Elders from the community to piece together this important part of our history.

This history is told in first person as Pauline portrays a 1947 farm wife reminiscing about the Native farm workers, their families and their contributions throughout the years in the Aldershot farming community and beyond.

Told with the permission of the Métis Women’s Circle http://www.metiswomenscircle.ca/


The Freeman Train Station

The Freeman Train Station was a busy hub of comings and goings from the hamlet of Freeman and the centre of Burlington carrying people and produce to Toronto, Chicago, New York, up into Georgetown and beyond.

The first train station, constructed in 1850 was lost in a fire, re-constructed and then burned down again in 1904. The station was finally re-constructed in 1906. A group of local historians has worked tirelessly to preserve the Freeman Train Station and portray its history.

Pauline speaks in first person as a lady living in Freeman circa 1920. Her stories reminisce about the activities that have surrounded the station thus far and the lives of local farmers and businessmen who continue as regular visitors to the Freeman Train Station, an important piece of the history of Burlington Ontario.



If Teapots Could Talk
Celebrating Canada’s history from the year of confederation into the future

Can you imagine how many cups of tea have been shared in the parlour, on special occasions, family gatherings, when someone needed to be consoled or to wipe away a tear? What stories would be told if teapots could talk?

Family teapots were packed for the journey to Canada and when families moved from one household to another within this great country of ours.

Pauline will take you on a brief journey through time with the supposed stories of teapots that might have belonged to famous and not so famous people while Canada’s history was unfolding. 
Teapots must have absorbed more feeling from shared moments with their owners and their visitors than we can ever imagine.


Royal scandles told by their supposed pots

The English are famous for their “cuppa tey””.
If the pots of the Royal families throughout the ages could talk to us what would they tell?  Stories of mistresses and their children, imprisonment and beheadings. An “accidental” fall, a poisoning, a birth recorded in a church registry with a page now missing.

The stories in this presentation start with our famous King Henry V111 and his jug of ale. Where else we ask would be a better place to start down the road of “Could this be true?!” Scandals of one more Royal to be shared before tea finally enters English history in 1662 with the wife of King Charles 11. The remaining scandals will then be witnessed by various teapots reporting stories of the Royal family.

Inspired by questions asked by those curious for such history Pauline will share some of the highlights recorded, and sometimes hidden, in the pages of time.


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